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Int J Fire Sci Eng > Volume 27(2); 2013 > Article
Fire Science and Engineering 2013;27(2):62-69.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7731/KIFSE.2013.27.2.062    Published online April 30, 2013.
어린이집 화재 시 연기 거동에 관한 실험적 연구
이성룡, 한동훈
1중앙소방학교 소방과학연구실
2중앙소방학교 소방과학연구실
An Experimental Study of Smoke Movement in a Kindergarten Fire
Lee Sung-Ryong, Han Dong-Hun
1National Fire Research Laboratory, National Fire Service Academy
2National Fire Research Laboratory, National Fire Service Academy
본 연구에서는 어린이집 화재 시 열 및 연기의 거동 특성을 파악하기 위하여 재개발 예정지의 어린이집에서 실험이 실시되었다. 실험대상 어린이집은 2층 구조로 되어있으며, 각 층의 연면적은 252 $m^2$이다. 가연물로는 헵탄 36리터를 사용하였다. 한 변의 길이가 0.8 m인 정사각형 화원을 사용하였으며, 정상상태에서 최대 열방출율은 약 1.7MW이다. 실험동안 연기의 이동 및 온도 변화를 측정하였다. 1층 복도에서, 화재 발생 1분 후 연기가 1.4 m 높이까지 하강하였으며, 화재 발생 약 4분 후 복도 전체가 연기로 가득 찼다. 2층 대부분의 영역에서 온도가 $70^{circ}C$ 이하로 유지되었으나 실내가 연기로 가득 찼다.
In this study, a full scale experiment was carried out to analyze the heat and smoke movement. The experiment was conducted a kindergarten that is scheduled to reconstruction. The kindergarten is a two-story building and the area of each floor is 252 $m^2$. 36 l heptane was used as a fuel and heptane was burned in a 0.8 m square steel pool. Maximum heat release rate was 1.7 MW at natural condition. Smoke movement and temperature variation were measured during the experiment. In the first floor corridor, smoke was moved downward about 1.4 m at 1 minute after a fire. Corridor was filled with smoke at 4 minutes after a fire. In the second floor, temperature was maintained at $70^{circ}C$ or less. But, second floor rooms were filled with smoke.
Key Words: Kindergarten fire, Full scale experiment, Smoke movement, Temperature variation

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