접촉연소식 센서를 이용한 $CH_4$와 $C_4$$H_{10}$ 감도 측정 및 전압변화 |
윤헌주신종열홍진웅 |
1광운대학교 전기공학과2광운대학교 전기공학과3광운대학교 전기공학과 |
The $CH_4$and $C_4$$H_{10}$ Sensitivity Measurement and Voltage Variation Using Catalytic Combustion Type Gas Sensor |
요약 |
본 연구에서는, 접촉연소식 가스 탐지 소자를 대상으로 감도특성 및 전기적 특성을 분석하였으며, 24시간 동안 공기중에 노출시킨 후 온도($20^{circ}c$, $40^{circ}c$)와 상대습도(65%, 85%)에서 작동시켜 분석하였다. 또한 동일한 주거환경에서 210일 동안 50 cm/sec 유속을 유지하며 가스탐지소자의 동작을 실험하였다. 가스 탐지센서에 공급 전원은 기본회로에 직류 전압별(2.1V, 2.2V, 2.3V)로 인가하였다. 따라서, 상대습도와 온도에 의한 이소부탄과 메탄 특성그래프를 각각 분석한 결과 전반적으로 선형적인 증가를 보임을 확인할 수 있다. |
Abstract |
In this study, we analyzed the $CH_4$and $C_4$$H_{10}$ sensitivity measurement and voltage variation using catalytic type gas sensor characteristics in catalytic combustion type gas detecter sensors. Gas detector shall operate as intended when exposed for 24 hours to air having a relative humidity of 65 percent at a temperature of $20^{circ}c$ and humidity of 85 percent at a temperature of $40^{circ}c$. The gas detecter sensors are to be subjected to operation for 210 days in an area that has been determined to be equivalent to a typical residential atmosphere with an air velocity of 50 cm/sec. The source of energy for a gas detector sensors employing a supplementary basic circuit is energized from a seperate source of supply direct applied voltage 2.1V, 2.2V, 2.3V. As a result, it was confirmed that the relative humidity and temperature by regression each analysis, compared to the isobutane characteristic graph and methane characteristic graph by a relative humidity of 65% and 85% at a temperature($20^{circ}c$, $40^{circ}c$) show a similar linear pattern on the whore. |
Key Words:
Sensitivity, Voltage variation, Catalytic combustion type, Relative humidity |