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Int J Fire Sci Eng > Volume 29(5); 2015 > Article
Fire Science and Engineering 2015;29(5):104-109.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7731/KIFSE.2015.29.5.104    Published online October 31, 2015.
옥시레이터 EM-100을 활용한 환기량과 기도내압 비교
신소연, 노상균
1원광대학교 일반대학원 보건학과
2선문대학교 응급구조학과
Comparison of Ventilatory Volume and Airway Pressures Using Oxylator EM-100
Shin So-Yeon, Roh Sang-Gyun
1Dept. of Public Health, Graduate School of Wonkwang Univ.
2Dept. of Emergency Medical Services, Sunmoon Univ.
이 연구는 RespiTrainer를 활용한 옥시레이터 EM-100 환기에서 기관내삽관, 킹후두관기도기, 아이-겔, 마스크를 통한 호흡량과 기도압을 비교 분석하였다. 실험기간은 2015년 7월 20일부터 7월 21일까지이며, 수집된 자료는 SPSS 18.0을 이용하여 분석하였다. 연구결과 기관내삽관이 537 ml (95% CI 530~545 ml), 킹후두관기도기 502 ml (95% CI 499~506 ml), 아이-겔 488 ml (95% CI 485~491 ml), 산소마스크 499 ml (95% CI 496~503 ml)의 환기량을 보였다. 기도압력은 기관내삽관이 $11.34cmH_2O$ (95% CI $11.21{sim}11.41cmH_2O$), 킹후두관기도기 $10.67cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.60{sim}10.75cmH_2O$), 아이-겔 $10.42cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.35{sim}10.67cmH_2O$), 산소마스크 $10.61cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.55{sim}10.68cmH_2O$)로 측정되었다. 결과적으로 옥시레이터 EM-100을 이용한 인공호흡으로 적절한 호흡량이 전달되는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
The purpose of this study was to compare the ventilatory volume and airway pressure of a facial mask, endotracheal intubation, King tube, and I-gel devices with an Oxylator EM-100 using a RespiTrainer. The data were obtained from July 20 to 21, 2015. Data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 18.0 software. The ventilatory volume for endotracheal intubation was 537 ml (95% CI 530~545 ml), that for the King tube was 502 ml (95% CI 499~506 ml), that for the I-gel was 88 ml (95% CI 485~491 ml), and that for the facial mask was 499 ml (95% CI 496~503 ml). The airway pressure for endotracheal intubation was $11.34cmH_2O$ (95% CI $11.21{sim}11.41cmH_2O$), that for the King tube was $10.67cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.60{sim}10.75cmH_2O$), that for the I-gel was $10.42cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.35{sim}10.67cmH_2O$), and that for the facial mask was $10.61cmH_2O$ (95% CI $10.55{sim}10.68cmH_2O$). As a result, we were able to identify the appropriate ventilatory volume using the Oxylator EM-100.
Key Words: Advanced airway, Airway pressure, Oxylator EM-100, Respitrainer, Ventilatory volume

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